details: 'Cody is upset then orange crashes the party'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Random» Human1vs4[FFA] (pink | 58 APM | 2617 actions | 45:16)
Hero icon 2 Archmage
Ability icon 1 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 1 Brilliance Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey30
Basic commands82
Build / train38
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu10
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Right click1460
Select / deselect268
Select group hotkey686
Use ability39
2617 total
» units
33 total
» upgrades
1 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Town Hall1
10 total
» build order
00:14 Altar of Kings
00:18 Farm
01:03 Farm
01:43 Blacksmith
01:46 Farm
01:59 Barracks
02:54 Keep
03:19 Farm
04:34 Farm
15:29 Town Hall
OrcKINGDOMSOFAMALR (yellow | 57 APM | 2571 actions | 45:16)
Hero icon 7 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 3 Hex
Ability icon 3 Healing Wave
Ability icon 1 Big Bad Voodoo

» actions
Assign group hotkey30
Basic commands6
Build / train40
Enter build submenu24
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item4
Remove unit from queue1
Right click1371
Select / deselect254
Select group hotkey725
Use ability109
2571 total
» units
Goblin Shredder1
Wind Rider4
Troll Batrider2
20 total
» upgrades
Reinforced Defenses1
Envenomed Spears1
Shaman Training2
4 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow6
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill2
Watch Tower36
Spirit Lodge1
53 total
» build order
00:09 Altar of Storms
00:20 Orc Burrow
00:37 Barracks
01:30 Orc Burrow
01:56 Voodoo Lounge
03:05 Stronghold
03:58 Orc Burrow
04:33 War Mill
04:46 War Mill
04:50 Orc Burrow
05:54 Beastiary
05:56 Beastiary
06:01 Fortress
06:35 Watch Tower
06:36 Watch Tower
06:36 Watch Tower
07:00 Watch Tower
07:01 Watch Tower
07:01 Watch Tower
07:03 Watch Tower
09:04 Watch Tower
09:04 Watch Tower
09:58 Watch Tower
09:59 Watch Tower
10:25 Watch Tower
10:26 Watch Tower
10:26 Watch Tower
10:27 Watch Tower
10:28 Watch Tower
11:21 Orc Burrow
11:22 Orc Burrow
12:23 Watch Tower
12:24 Watch Tower
12:24 Watch Tower
12:25 Watch Tower
12:25 Watch Tower
13:47 Watch Tower
13:48 Watch Tower
13:58 Spirit Lodge
14:23 Watch Tower
14:57 Watch Tower
14:59 Watch Tower
15:01 Watch Tower
15:01 Watch Tower
16:31 Watch Tower
16:32 Watch Tower
21:07 Watch Tower
21:08 Watch Tower
21:08 Watch Tower
21:08 Watch Tower
» items
Healing Salve2
Potion of Mana1
Tiny Great Hall1
4 total
HumanWekTek (purple | 30 APM | 1350 actions | 45:16)
Hero icon 2 Archmage
Ability icon 1 Blizzard
Ability icon 1 Brilliance Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey58
Basic commands87
Build / train42
Enter build submenu17
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Right click645
Select / deselect322
Select group hotkey146
Use ability29
1350 total
» units
Gryphon Rider1
29 total
» upgrades
3 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower2
Arcane Vault1
Guard Tower2
Gryphon Aviary1
Town Hall1
21 total
» build order
00:04 Altar of Kings
00:07 Farm
00:17 Barracks
01:08 Farm
02:09 Farm
03:01 Lumber Mill
03:21 Keep
03:22 Keep
05:00 Farm
06:44 Blacksmith
07:36 Castle
09:06 Farm
09:08 Scout Tower
10:14 Arcane Vault
10:16 Guard Tower
10:22 Gryphon Aviary
13:39 Town Hall
22:09 Scout Tower
23:09 Guard Tower
Random» Undeadsoupswag (green | 15 APM | 346 actions | 22:26)
Hero icon 2 Lich
Ability icon 1 Frost Nova
Ability icon 1 Dark Ritual

» actions
Assign group hotkey1
Build / train14
Enter build submenu10
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Right click161
Select / deselect134
Select group hotkey2
Use ability22
346 total
» units
Crypt Fiend4
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
Tomb of Relics1
Spirit Tower1
13 total
» build order
00:14 Graveyard
00:17 Crypt
00:34 Ziggurat
00:57 Altar of Darkness
01:49 Ziggurat
03:28 Halls of the Dead
03:33 Ziggurat
06:19 Black Citadel
06:23 Sacrificial Pit
06:27 Ziggurat
06:30 Ziggurat
06:39 Tomb of Relics
08:44 Spirit Tower
team 2
Orcg3q4 (teal | 82 APM | 2606 actions | 31:48)
Hero icon 4 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 2 Endurance Aura
Ability icon 2 Shockwave

» actions
Assign group hotkey224
Basic commands45
Build / train71
Enter build submenu32
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Right click1480
Select / deselect458
Select group hotkey222
Use ability70
2606 total
» units
31 total
» upgrades
Melee Weapons3
Reinforced Defenses1
Burning Oil1
Spiked Barricades1
11 total
» buildings
Orc Burrow13
Altar of Storms1
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
Watch Tower8
33 total
» build order
00:21 Orc Burrow
00:36 Altar of Storms
01:23 War Mill
02:10 Stronghold
02:19 Orc Burrow
02:27 Voodoo Lounge
02:41 Orc Burrow
03:12 Orc Burrow
04:34 Beastiary
04:39 Beastiary
05:33 Fortress
17:55 Orc Burrow
17:56 Orc Burrow
18:18 Barracks
18:20 Barracks
18:21 Barracks
18:26 Barracks
18:27 Barracks
19:56 Watch Tower
19:58 Watch Tower
20:01 Watch Tower
20:10 Watch Tower
20:15 Watch Tower
21:15 Watch Tower
21:16 Watch Tower
21:17 Watch Tower
22:20 Orc Burrow
22:21 Orc Burrow
22:22 Orc Burrow
22:23 Orc Burrow
22:25 Orc Burrow
22:26 Orc Burrow
23:53 Orc Burrow
» items
Scroll of Speed3
Scroll of Town Portal2
Healing Salve2
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Tiny Great Hall1
9 total
Random» Undeadfighter (orange | 30 APM | 1351 actions | 45:16)
Hero icon 5 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey29
Basic commands9
Build / train63
Enter build submenu26
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Right click892
Select / deselect228
Select group hotkey36
Use ability63
1351 total
» units
Crypt Fiend10
Frost Wyrm13
43 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace2
Freezing Breath1
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead1
Sacrificial Pit1
Black Citadel1
Spirit Tower1
21 total
» build order
00:31 Ziggurat
00:34 Altar of Darkness
01:06 Crypt
01:17 Graveyard
01:52 Ziggurat
02:21 Tomb of Relics
02:28 Crypt
02:35 Crypt
04:17 Ziggurat
04:21 Halls of the Dead
07:32 Ziggurat
10:11 Ziggurat
10:13 Sacrificial Pit
11:13 Black Citadel
12:55 Ziggurat
13:06 Ziggurat
14:28 Boneyard
14:48 Boneyard
14:58 Ziggurat
18:27 Ziggurat
26:12 Spirit Tower
» items
Scroll of Healing1
1 total
OrcKuKIux (red | 52 APM | 2372 actions | 45:18)
Hero icon 7 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 3 Endurance Aura
Ability icon 3 Shockwave
Ability icon 1 Reincarnation

» actions
Assign group hotkey97
Basic commands116
Build / train60
Enter build submenu45
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item8
Right click905
Select / deselect292
Select group hotkey753
Use ability89
2372 total
» units
Goblin Shredder1
Wind Rider11
Goblin Zeppelin1
27 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons3
Envenomed Spears1
Reinforced Defenses1
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow7
Voodoo Lounge6
War Mill2
Great Hall4
Watch Tower18
47 total
» build order
00:28 Altar of Storms
00:44 Orc Burrow
00:50 Barracks
01:26 Voodoo Lounge
01:53 Orc Burrow
03:14 Stronghold
03:27 Orc Burrow
04:44 Orc Burrow
05:07 War Mill
05:09 War Mill
07:30 Great Hall
07:43 Beastiary
07:44 Beastiary
07:49 Beastiary
07:53 Watch Tower
07:56 Watch Tower
08:00 Watch Tower
09:16 Fortress
09:59 Orc Burrow
13:30 Beastiary
13:34 Orc Burrow
15:58 Great Hall
19:03 Beastiary
19:07 Beastiary
19:34 Watch Tower
19:34 Watch Tower
19:35 Watch Tower
19:36 Watch Tower
19:37 Watch Tower
19:38 Watch Tower
19:39 Watch Tower
19:46 Watch Tower
19:46 Watch Tower
20:38 Orc Burrow
26:23 Great Hall
26:25 Watch Tower
26:26 Watch Tower
26:26 Watch Tower
27:58 Watch Tower
27:59 Watch Tower
28:01 Watch Tower
31:26 Great Hall
38:58 Voodoo Lounge
39:02 Voodoo Lounge
39:05 Voodoo Lounge
39:07 Voodoo Lounge
39:10 Voodoo Lounge
» items
Healing Salve4
Scroll of Town Portal2
Orb of Lightning2
Tiny Great Hall2
Potion of Healing1
Potion of Mana4
15 total
NightElfcodystrong1234 (blue | 20 APM | 902 actions | 45:16)
Hero icon 5 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 3 Immolation
Ability icon 2 Evasion

» actions
Basic commands6
Build / train64
Enter build submenu17
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue2
Right click372
Select / deselect389
Use ability45
902 total
» units
Goblin Zeppelin1
Glaive Thrower2
45 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon3
Moon Armor2
Improved Bows1
Hippogryph Taming1
Vorpal Blades1
9 total
» buildings
Moon Well7
Altar of Elders1
Ancient of War2
Tree of Ages1
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of Wind2
Tree of Life4
Tree of Eternity1
19 total
» build order
00:44 Moon Well
00:56 Altar of Elders
01:08 Ancient of War
02:11 Moon Well
03:09 Ancient of War
03:17 Moon Well
04:22 Moon Well
05:48 Tree of Ages
06:35 Hunter's Hall
09:23 Ancient of Wind
09:27 Ancient of Wind
10:21 Moon Well
10:28 Moon Well
10:48 Tree of Life
11:21 Moon Well
13:22 Tree of Life
16:55 Tree of Eternity
41:01 Tree of Life
44:34 Tree of Life

Chat log

(00:08 / All) KuKIux: LIFE FEEDS ON
(00:11 / All) KuKIux: LIFE FEEDS ON
(00:25 / All) WekTek: hey cody when you going to stab for us
(00:26 / All) WekTek: wrong chat
(00:28 / Allies) codystrong1234: i got hips and archers
(01:11 / All) KuKIux: If we win I'mma Tebow!
(01:28 / Allies) codystrong1234: ok guys wat do u got
(01:34 / Allies) KuKIux: wyvs!
(01:44 / Allies) fighter: 13 inch

(03:13 / Allies) fighter: wtf
(03:24 / Allies) fighter: u trappppppp u NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBBBBB
(03:52 / All) fighter: |
(04:51 / Allies) fighter: CUNT LEFT
(05:50 / Allies) fighter: wtf

(09:16 / All) soupswag: w/e dude purple and pink are tking eachother
(09:21 / All) WekTek: raped
(09:25 / All) WekTek: pink should have given me my items

(10:32 / Allies) codystrong1234: gold plz

(14:03 / All) WekTek: kill my hero oj
(14:06 / All) WekTek: retard
(14:38 / All) soupswag: lol
(14:42 / All) WekTek: pink, you should have given my my gloves of haste
(14:55 / All) WekTek: green, you shouldn't have copied my UD build
(15:01 / All) WekTek: we won this for you, green and pink
(15:04 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: you should have suck my dick lol
(15:04 / All) WekTek: carried ez
(15:22 / All) fighter: wow yellow sucks
(15:29 / All) soupswag: no shit
(15:50 / All) WekTek: yellow is a professional 4v4 rt player, you clowns wouldn't understand
(16:04 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: cry more purple lol
(16:14 / All) WekTek: Leave pink
(16:20 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: you have nothing leave noob
(16:24 / All) WekTek: lol
(16:26 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: you hero died like 1000 times lol
(16:32 / All) WekTek: Oh no, not a level 1 hero!
(16:42 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: i will defend with yellow watch us play and cry lol
(17:03 / All) WekTek: I guess you'll have to get the win then since Cody will be stabbing soon
(17:16 / Allies) codystrong1234: wtf u talking about
(17:24 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: cry more
(17:32 / All) WekTek: We won this for you pink, stfu
(17:33 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: watch us play
(17:40 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: get a pop corn lol
(17:47 / Allies) codystrong1234: im building glaives
(17:50 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: 1 vs 4 noob
(17:58 / All) WekTek: 1v4 isn't hard if you're not awful
(17:59 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: watch me still play ok
(18:14 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: wait brb im playing noob
(18:17 / All) soupswag: free items!
(18:38 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: thats all you have lol
(18:47 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: a peasant
(18:53 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: beg for gold noob
(18:56 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: beg noob
(19:01 / All) WekTek: lol
(19:11 / All) WekTek: Pink you are 3-2, that is laughable
(19:21 / All) WekTek: I am on a 0-0 account, on the other hand
(19:28 / All) WekTek: Pro micro oj
(19:29 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: fuck i ikill that spider lol
(19:31 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: nice
(19:38 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: archers down
(19:47 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die archer noobs
(20:05 / All) codystrong1234: dude i will destroy u with my archers
(20:08 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol
(20:09 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die
(20:10 / All) codystrong1234: go fuck your self u lil bitch
(20:12 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: archer noob
(20:15 / All) WekTek: You mad son?
(20:19 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: fuck off blue you are worse than purple
(20:21 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol
(20:42 / All) WekTek: I love how you morons are suiciding your units
(20:55 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die teal you noob
(21:08 / All) WekTek: Pink, please be quiet. I never permitted you to speak.
(21:12 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die purple
(21:16 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: oh you are dead i forgot
(21:36 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: fuck you teal
(21:46 / All) codystrong1234: gold plz
(21:47 / All) WekTek: That's right, run your riflemen to their deaths
(21:48 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: noob teal
(21:57 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: noob teal
(22:07 / Allies) KuKIux: guys let's just charge
(22:08 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: noob
(22:14 / Allies) KuKIux: they can't get gold
(22:23 / All) soupswag: alright why the fuck am i still here
(22:29 / All) WekTek: Because you lost
(22:30 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: haha
(22:32 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol
(22:39 / All) WekTek: Jk, thought he was enemy team. We won
(22:41 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: what a noob watchign us play like purple
(22:59 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: noob
(23:27 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die noob teal
(23:30 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: dead!
(23:36 / All) WekTek: Pink, give yellow your money
(23:49 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: how about a bowl of shhut the fuck up purple
(24:04 / All) WekTek: I prefer cans of concentrated rape
(24:10 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol
(24:16 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: shut the fuck up and watch us play noob purple
(24:21 / All) WekTek: I am playing
(24:22 / All) WekTek: Or was
(24:24 / Allies) KuKIux: wtf orange
(24:25 / All) WekTek: Tower micro
(24:26 / Allies) KuKIux: asshole
(24:32 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: cry noob
(24:46 / All) WekTek: You should have gave me your gloves of haste
(24:50 / All) WekTek: Then you'd still have a base
(24:53 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die teal
(24:56 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: noob
(25:03 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: you have notnhing noob
(25:07 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: stop talking
(25:10 / All) WekTek: I have 2 peasants fool
(25:15 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die noob teal
(25:23 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: you are worse than purpel the stpud noob
(25:31 / All) fighter: your a cunt red
(25:37 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol orange
(25:39 / All) KuKIux: You are
(25:45 / All) KuKIux: You attacked my chieftain!
(25:53 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die noob teal
(26:05 / All) fighter: u atteack teal u cunt ass bith
(26:11 / All) WekTek: "atteack"
(26:13 / All) KuKIux: Who
(26:17 / All) WekTek: Cody should have stabbed for us sooner
(27:00 / All) KuKIux: You're a fucking liar orange and a scumbag
(27:08 / All) WekTek: Nice rifle micro, just suicide those dwarven negros
(27:15 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: boo
(27:23 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: i stil havent lost a single rifle noob
(27:27 / All) codystrong1234: your geting fucked bye me bitch
(27:35 / All) codystrong1234: how does it feel bitch
(27:36 / All) WekTek: You mad Cody?
(27:41 / All) WekTek: You lost, get over it
(27:51 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die teal you noob
(27:55 / All) WekTek: 1v4 you were raped, abused, and buttfucked by yellow, a former rank #1 RT player
(28:10 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: you watch me play ok noob
(28:12 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: keep crying
(28:22 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die teal
(28:24 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: noob
(28:29 / All) codystrong1234: red
(28:35 / All) codystrong1234: why are u killing your own team mates
(28:37 / All) KuKIux: You rang?
(28:40 / All) KuKIux: Orange attacked me
(28:43 / All) codystrong1234: oh
(28:44 / All) KuKIux: Without provation
(28:56 / All) codystrong1234: dude how about we kill this yellow fucker
(28:57 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: purple is watching us play liek a real stupid noob lol
(28:59 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol
(29:04 / All) WekTek: Yellow fucker? That's racist
(29:09 / All) WekTek: Asians are people too
(29:19 / All) WekTek: Nice job pink
(29:22 / All) WekTek: Feed blue, yes
(29:45 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die noob teal just liek purple
(30:01 / All) WekTek: I raped you pink, oj's fiends killed me not you
(30:07 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: duhhh
(30:09 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: noob
(30:14 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: cry somemore
(30:25 / All) WekTek: You realise you're getting stabbed at the end of this pink, right?
(30:32 / All) codystrong1234: red can i get some gold plz
(30:35 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die teal
(30:36 / All) WekTek: Yellow, red and I are in on this together
(30:38 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: free exp
(30:39 / All) KuKIux: I don't have enough to spare
(30:45 / All) codystrong1234: dude u got 8k
(30:49 / All) KuKIux: Yeah
(30:50 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol
(30:52 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: i do
(30:53 / All) WekTek: He needs at least 20k blue
(30:53 / All) KuKIux: But what if the market crashes
(30:55 / All) WekTek: You are noob
(30:56 / All) KuKIux: I'm thinking ahead
(30:59 / All) codystrong1234: wow
(31:00 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: ask purple he has nothing
(31:01 / All) codystrong1234: lol
(31:03 / All) WekTek: Invest wisely in the stocks
(31:18 / All) codystrong1234: i dont belaeve this shit
(31:23 / All) KINGDOMSOFAMALR: lawl
(31:25 / All) WekTek: You lost blue, believe it nigger
(31:32 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: negro
(31:34 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lover
(31:44 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: criter lover
(31:45 / All) WekTek: Catamite licker
(31:59 / All) WekTek: Not that an uneducated pleb would know what that means
(32:17 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: shut the fuck up purple and watch us play
(32:18 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: noob
(32:20 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: stupid fucj
(32:22 / All) WekTek: Catamite means third gender in Latin btw
(32:27 / All) WekTek: What is a fucj?
(32:44 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: ill explain later im busy playing
(33:00 / All) WekTek: What happened to not losing any riflemen pink? I count 5 now, not 6
(33:05 / All) KINGDOMSOFAMALR: horrible
(33:06 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: back a bit
(33:33 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol
(33:38 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: noob blue
(33:46 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: you pathetic fuck
(33:51 / All) WekTek: I swear, pink must be like 8 years old with how he talks
(33:54 / All) codystrong1234: your the one who is retreating
(33:57 / All) WekTek: "noob" and fuck" are his complete dictionary
(34:12 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: 11
(34:18 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: your mom is part of my dituionary
(34:28 / All) WekTek: What the fuck is a dituionary?
(34:41 / All) WekTek: "Your mom" jokes? Really, what is this? The 90s?
(34:46 / All) WekTek: Not that you were born in them to know.
(34:49 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: ask your mom
(35:01 / All) WekTek: Dictionary is a word, not whatever the hell you said.
(35:21 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: you just typed dictipnary
(35:26 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: stupid fuck
(35:34 / All) WekTek: That's your second time misspelling it pink.
(35:40 / All) WekTek: Third time's the charm maybe?
(35:42 / All) WekTek: Try again!
(35:42 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: shti 4 more rifles left
(35:53 / All) WekTek: I guess your strat of not losing any failed, huh?
(36:04 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: keep typing
(36:11 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: i'll type when able ok
(36:17 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: 4 more rifles yahoooo
(36:24 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: been a long fun game so far
(36:25 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: nice
(36:31 / All) codystrong1234: lol
(36:32 / All) codystrong1234: yjid id do dyupif
(36:35 / All) codystrong1234: this is so stupid
(36:36 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol
(36:41 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: full health
(36:43 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: NICE!
(36:52 / All) codystrong1234: red give me gold plz so i can end them
(36:54 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: hey how are you purple
(36:59 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: im not too busy
(37:02 / All) KuKIux: I'm flat broke, sorry
(37:06 / All) KuKIux: I would otherwise
(37:07 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol red
(37:07 / All) codystrong1234: dude u are a nigger
(37:10 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol
(37:22 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: niggers
(37:27 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: run yellow
(37:38 / All) WekTek: You're insulting yellow now too?
(37:42 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: ill block him
(38:09 / All) WekTek: He probably has a TP moron
(38:20 / All) KuKIux: I have ankh
(38:20 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die orange
(38:39 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: hahaha
(38:43 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: nice 3 more rifles
(38:51 / All) KuKIux: I wish I had some gold to spare
(38:52 / All) WekTek: If you kill blue, you could long distance mine and sell items to expo
(39:11 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: how about shut the fuck up again purple
(39:19 / All) WekTek: How about no?
(39:20 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: we are busy playing
(39:38 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: nigger orange
(39:40 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: wtf
(40:07 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: dead
(40:15 / All) codystrong1234: rll
(40:16 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: man long game
(40:17 / All) codystrong1234: rlly red
(40:18 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: i love it
(40:38 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: how are you purple
(40:43 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: nevermind
(40:48 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: you have nothing
(41:25 / All) codystrong1234: lol
(41:30 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: cody noob
(42:02 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: chase me im wearing a nigger shoes
(42:04 / All) codystrong1234: rlly red
(42:05 / All) codystrong1234: fuck
(42:06 / All) codystrong1234: u
(42:07 / All) codystrong1234: nigger
(42:08 / All) codystrong1234: jew
(42:10 / All) codystrong1234: as bitch
(42:13 / All) WekTek: You mad?
(42:22 / All) KINGDOMSOFAMALR: blue im raping u!
(42:34 / All) codystrong1234: u god dam nigger
(42:36 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: blue is a big vagina
(42:39 / All) codystrong1234: fuck u mother fucker
(42:44 / All) codystrong1234: bitch ass slut
(42:47 / All) codystrong1234: cum slut mother fucker
(42:51 / All) codystrong1234: jew as bitch
(42:54 / All) KuKIux: Is that anyway to speak to your teammate?
(43:00 / All) KuKIux: Didn't your mother teach you better?
(43:00 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: die gay glaive thrower
(43:06 / All) KuKIux: If you haven't anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!
(43:14 / All) codystrong1234: dude u stole my mine
(43:17 / All) codystrong1234: and killed my tree
(43:18 / All) codystrong1234: u fucker
(43:32 / All) KuKIux: So what
(43:33 / All) KuKIux: get over it
(43:38 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: lol red
(43:41 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: just like purple
(43:44 / All) codystrong1234: dude u are jsut gunna win it for them u fucking nigger
(43:45 / All) 1vs4[FFA]: a fag

(44:49 / All) KINGDOMSOFAMALR: come pink rifles
(45:16 / All) KuKIux: I need all I can get